Q: How is our market like Maryland weather? A: We like to keep bringing you surprises.
Come see what's in store tomorrow (4/15, 9AM-2PM)! We have artists Labyrinth Creations Art and The Bunkin Patch set up in Center Square, new produce, plants, and baked goods, and wine that wasn't there last week, plus stuff that won't be there next week. No pressure, though -- we'll probably say the same thing next week.
Oh, and this may be a surprise to some: if you use SNAP/EBT or FMNP benefits, you can double your dollars with Maryland Market Money. Check in with to find out how!
Gonzo Grains (gonzograins.com) Mrs. Moo's Corner Ohana Snow Shaved Ice Britt’s Body Butters DMV Judy Garrett Twin Valley Distillers & Brewery BeYOUtifully Favored, LLC JP Farms Cove Point Winery Cottage Kitchen Sweets by Sue Love Prayer Candles LLC C.H. Bowling Produce - divison of Fox Run Farm Red Tree Farmstead @uglyducklingfarmstead Eye Crafted Shop Redwood Panda K&T Kettle Corn and produce Rootbound Farms Mully's Brewery Pond View Acres Shugie’s Cookies Forage Dog Barkery Carol's Citchen (carolscitchen56.com) Beachin Bay Bakery Bridgett Vines Yisoobinaturals Twist Style by Maryellen Kim Zekiah Ridge Farm & Flowers Finlear Enterprises Toby Swarley Mike's Chicken and Ribs Jillian's Fare Sweet Street Donuts