After some false summer days last week, it looks like we're getting spring weather back...maybe. Take a walk or a ride out behind the Charles County Courthouse and stop in to get lunch'n'snacks'n'sweets'n'treats'n'stuff!
These fine folk will be there 4/26, 9AM-2PM:
Freshly Made 4U Early Birds Night Owl Foodtruck Mrs. Moo's Corner Sweet Street Donuts Ohana Snow Shaved Ice Forage Dog Barkery JP Farms Charles County Public Library aggieandjoesmobilekitchen Rootbound Farms Blended Desserts- Gluten Free Wholesome Treats Toby Swarey Cottage Kitchen Sweets by Sue Finlear Enterprises
Things to remember: - SNAP/EBT card if you have it, FMNP coupons if you have those; double your grocery dollars with Maryland Market Money - Reusable bags, boxes, or cart if that's how you tote your goodies