One of the weird things about wearing a mask for hours at the Market is that eventually you start recognizing people even when they're wearing a mask, too. If you're not spending hours at the Market, though, it can be hard to recognize someone, especially if they're wearing a mask and asking you where your mask is (or you have a dog in the Market, or you're eating or smoking in the Market, or whatever).
To help with that, we're color-coding people who are with the Market so you don't feel like some random person is attacking you in public. (Nobody likes that feeling, really.)
Folks wearing a green "VOLUNTEER" lanyard are members of your community. They're not paid, but they do care about the Market, its visitors and vendors, and keeping the Market open, which it wouldn't be, if not for our volunteers. Most importantly, they're helping look out for the safety of the community.
If you feel that a volunteer has mistreated you or was overzealous in their rule enforcement, please report it to the Market Manager so we can keep that from happening again.
How do you know who the Market Manager is? So glad you asked!
If you see someone wearing a red-and-white polka-dotted lanyard and Market ID that says "MARKET MANAGER," chances are good that you've found the Market Manager. If you have questions, comments, or concerns about anything at the Market, please see the Market Manager. The Market Manager serves many purposes at the Market, from fun stuff like pumpkin painting (probably won't get to do THAT this year) to not-so-fun stuff like asking about service animals and handling complaints. If you do have a complaint, though -- or suggestion or compliment, we love those -- please don't hesitate to reach out. If you're not comfortable doing it in person, you can always email or send a private message to La Plata Farmers Market on Facebook.