Fall and flannel -- they go together like Saturdays and farmers markets! Break out your flannel-lined jeans and your fuzzy jackets and come see us for our second-to-last market day, Saturday, Nov. 18, 9AM - 2PM. We want to make sure you're getting your favorite goodies as long as possible. You might even think about stocking up on a few things you won't see again until April.
The Charles County Food Connection will be on hand with Maryland Market Money. SNAP shoppers, don't forget your card! And FMNP shoppers, you'll want to make sure you use your coupons before they expire.
Mike's Chicken and Ribs @aggieandjoesmobilekitchen Sweet Street Donuts Timber Hill Produce Zekiah Ridge Farm & Flowers Yisoobinaturals Beachin Bay Bakery Carol's Citchen (carolscitchen56.com) Forage Dog Barkery Rootbound Farms Mully's Brewery @moda.paper @dirty_rottn_pottery Pond View Acres Shugie’s Cookies Redwood Panda @yoshe.yarn Cottage Kitchen Sweets by Sue @sijolieapothecary Jacks Produce Farm BeYOUtifully Favored, LLC Kirk McKesson Woodworking DC Dills Judy Garrett C.H. Bowling Produce - divison of Fox Run Farm Blended Desserts- Gluten Free Wholesome Treats Red Tree Farmstead Twin Valley Distillers & Brewery Handmade by Madeline Britt’s Body Butters DMV Gonzo Grains (gonzograins.com) Freshly Made 4U Big Boy Tacos EggRollerz Appetizers
Oh, and do you already know about Plaid Friday (Nov. 24)? Show your love for small business by wearing plaid on what the big chain stores will call "Black Friday." Just wanted to help you plan your wardrobe in advance. https://amiba.net/plaid-friday/